February Newsletter: How to Navigate Your Career from Public to Private Sector

Navigating the Transition: Migrating a Career From Public to Private Sector

January Newsletter: The Importance of an Annual Career “Self-Health Check”

5 Job Market Trends for 2025: What You Need to Know

December Newsletter | The 12 Tips of Job Search: All of Your Career & Job Search Questions Answered!

Three Keys to Making the Most of a Job You Hate

November Newsletter | Ask the Executive Coach & Advisor: An Interview with Angela Justice

Six Steps to Advance Your Career

October Newsletter: 4 Tips for Anyone Concerned About Ageism

What Are Soft Skills and Why Should I Care?

September Newsletter | Ask the Career Coach & Therapist: Five Questions for Jessica Sweet, Executive Career Coach for Midlife Leaders at Wishingwell Coaching

How Do I Pick the Right Career Coach?
It is almost inevitable that anyone who is active in the job market will be faced with some sort of challenge, whether it is poor work-life balance, a toxic work environment, performance issues, or stagnation. To complicate things even further, workers’ concerns and needs will probably change as they navigate their career journey.
The specific challenge you are facing will determine what kind of help you may need and who could best provide it. Career coaches vary in terms of how they help their clients identify their strengths, address their weakness, define their interests, and identify career paths.

August Newsletter: Is There Value in Employer Review Sites?
Employer reviews are a terrific way to identify areas to investigate before accepting a role with a new organization. But they are not a be-all end-all. As with product and service reviews, most of the input will come from people who have had either a highly positive or highly negative experience. With most reviews, getting exactly what we expected doesn’t inspire the need to share that an extraordinarily great or poor experience would.

Why Am I Not Getting Interviews?

Should I Use a Recruiter?
Recruiters are not usually the best way to tap into hidden opportunities. We have established that identifying the need to hire is Step One for companies in the hiring process.
Finding the right candidates is Step Two. With a few exceptions, internal and external recruiters (headhunters) are brought in at Step Two, not Step One. Job seekers who land jobs through the hidden job market may never even encounter a recruiter or may do so as a formality after the decision has been made.

6 Commonly Missed Opportunities When Negotiating a New Job
6 Commonly Missed Opportunities When Negotiating a New Job

The Worst Time to Look for a Job

Job Interviews: The Five Things Employers Need to Know About You

5 Keys to Finding Jobs Through Networking
5 keys to finding jobs through networking.

Does Resume Formatting Matter?
Does Resume Formatting Matter?
There is no debate that graphics, color, headers, and columns can make a resume stand out in the stack. Why, then, do I so vigorously advise against those things?