How do you know if you need the Job Guy? When you can’t say ‘yes’ to all of the following:
I am currently employed in a job worthy of my talents
I look forward to going to work most days
I am appreciated for the work that I do
I am fairly compensated for the work that I do
I enjoy both the work that I do and the place in which I do it
My skills set is in current and in demand
I am not at risk for layoff
I have never been torn about having my own business or early retirement
I have appropriate balance between personal and business lives
My industry is healthy in the geography in which I want to work
My resume is up-to-date and is an accurate reflection of my abilities and talents
I earn at last one interview for every 10 resumes I submit
I convert most of my phone screens to interviews and interviews to offers
I am rarely seen as over or under qualified
I present my brand in terms of impact that I provide, not only skills that I possess
I have a well-developed professional network to support a job search if needed
I know how to effectively use social networking tools to expand my network and broadcast my brand
My professional network understands what problems I can solve for a company
I am comfortable negotiating job offers and performance increases
I know how to find jobs outside of responding to ads and using employment agencies